
Tea-time in the summer

We have been so ending this summer in Sweden, renting a house and going camping with an enormous tent among other things. Every morning has started with slow breakfasts with tea. Sometimes at home, sometimes in borrowed kitchens and sometimes outdoors. This setup was on a sunny campsite by lake Vänern just below the plateau mountain of Kinnekulle. Old Trangia coffee pot, rings on the handle are for extending it with a stick in a campfire. The tea was supplemented by oatmeal porridge, making us ready to hunt for fossils in this case. The abandoned quarry of Hällekis has plenty of othocerida and other remains in the limestone from 400 million years ago.

This nice morning routine is now changed to regular quick breakfasts and an urban way of life. Not normal as the corona pandemic is continuing but still lacks the serenity of green grass and a more natural pace.

Old Trangia coffee pot filled with tea on top of the Svea 123r. all placed on a saucepan to avoid scorching the grass and setting the tent on fire.